關於英文助動詞加have p.p. - Yahoo!奇摩知識+ 請問以下三個句型的真正語意為何?1.may / might + have PP 2.can't + have PP 3.needn't + have PP ex: She might have been beautiful before but she is not anymore. ex: I have been in the hospital for a couple of days;she can't have see me at school. ex: I needn't ...
Can I have one pp touch? | ChaCha - Questions & Answers | ChaCha Can I have one pp touch? ChaCha Answer: Did you mean PSP touch? A modder figured out a way to attach a touch screen to a Sony PSP al... ... 10/4/14 Related Health Questions When my ankles touch, my knees touch and overlap about 1 cm over the other?
would+have+pp - WordReference Forums Hi! I would like to know if I can use the grammar of "would+have+pp"with the other pronouns except "I".I would appreciate if anyone can help me!:)
解析「could have p.p.」的句型- Yahoo!奇摩知識+ 以下是書中的例句及我的想法--例1 She could have gone swimming. 我的想法: 她( 過去)可能有去游泳,也可能沒去。
高中英文文法表推測為什麼沒有can have + p.p - Yahoo!奇摩知識+ 為什麼我都找不到can + have + p.p. 用來表推測的例句, 但是卻有can't + have + p.p. 的句子而已: He is so just that he can't ...
would have+V.pp的用法和意思?@@ - Yahoo!奇摩知識+ 除了與過去事實相反的假設語氣會用到would/should/could/might have PP 以外, 英文文法另有一個單元"情態動詞/ ...
Can't have pp vs. couldn't have pp? - English Forums Can anybody draw a clean-cut line between them? Pleeeese help. (1)He can't have seen the movie. (2)He couldn't ...
How to use Can't and Can't Have | Learn English Can't have + past participle is used when we are sure that something did not happen in the past.
Can Have Past-Participle? - WordReference Forums Hi. I know "can't have past-participle" means a negative past possibility. What about "can have ...
modal verb might , can and could have pp - WordReference Forums he can have done = maybe he did it; it was possible for him to do it. he could have done = it was ...